You point, I'll punch! 你指哪儿我打哪儿!
I always do your dirty work。我总是帮你干脏活儿。
Throw the damn thing! 把那个破玩意儿扔了!
Shaken and stirred!摇一摇,再搅一搅~
Didn’t you hear me telling you to throw it? 没听见我告诉你把它丢了吗?
Greed is good 这个大家都懂的
Damn, was gonna ask Batrider if he wanted to trade mounts。想买坐骑找蝙蝠骑士去!
Pudge, were you tapping methane? Yikes! 胖子你在放甲烷?吓死我了!
I always wondered what you'd get if you melted Apparition down. 我很想知道把极寒幽魂融化了能得到什么
Hey, you think Kunkka knew I stole his rum? 嘿,你觉得昆卡会知道我偷了他的朗姆酒吗?
Morphling, if I could have shoved you in a beaker… 水人兄,如果我把你放在烧杯里晃悠两下。。。
One Skeleton King provides a day's requirement of calcium 一只骷髅王可以提供一整天所需的钙!
Clinkz, your bones were brittle. Shoulda eaten more spinach. 骨弓你有点骨质疏松,多吃点菠菜。
Get out the siphon. Clockwerk's full of gasoline! 放开我的虹吸管,发条全身都是汽油!
I didn't need a tree trunk to knock you out, Earthshaker. 老牛,我不需要树干就可以敲死你
You made my knuckles bleed, Spirit Breaker. 白牛!我的关节在出血!
Only ninety eight percent pure? 难道只有98%的纯度?
Must've mixed up the formula! 一定是配方弄错了!
Shoulda brought a bigger ogre。我应该抓一只更大的食人魔的!
Failure is just another kind of success. The wrong kind. 失败也是一种成功,不大对劲的那种
Maybe I should find some more stable formulas. 也许我应该找些更稳定的配方
I hope I didn't leave anything on the burner. 但愿我没有把什么东西落在炉子上
Does Immortality work for both of us? It better!这玩意儿对咱俩都有用么?那就太好了!
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